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Ember Book Review

Ember by Christi Whitson

This is the author's first debut novel which published in October 2018!

"There are few things more incredible, more poetic, than the way a single moment can set the course for you entire existence. Like ripples in a pond, the impact will eventually touch every part of your life. What you feel, how you think...even who you love."

You’re first introduced to our two main characters, Ellie and Owen. They’re both young kids who are in the same foster home under different circumstances.

During their brief time shared together, you can’t deny (even at such a young age) that there’s a palpable connection between the two that is so strong.

Then they get separated as Ellie goes with her dad, Nate, and Owen ends up getting adopted. (And let me tell you, I was devastated!)

I was sobbing. My heart couldn’t handle the separation. They gripped on my heart so badly. At this point, you can’t help but feel for the both of them.


Years later, unbestowed to them.... they meet again. Both are in college, both living totally different lives, yet still holding onto the memories of one another so tightly.

Who would have thought their brief time together at the foster home would be so impactful?

Lena (previously Ellie) still struggles with unimaginable loss, the weight of the world on her shoulders and striving to be the perfect daughter in every way for her dad. Perfection to the T.

Owen works hard, as he always has. He wants to succeed in life, and having gone through such trauma during his teenage years... he is determined, more than anything, to live out his dreams.


The two meet during a college lecture. And instantly, you can tell that there’s something between them, and it’s so natural. Thing is, the two can’t see it.

At the tip of each others’ tongues, they both knew there was something there, but never really looked into more. And how wrong were they.

As they grew closer, even with their separate lives, the connection with one another continued to build into something more than what they both thought.

Fate has a funny way of showing itself.

And showing itself, it did.

Their love blossomed into something so powerful and beautiful.

True love prevailed.


Besides their love story, there was something else brewing in the name of...

Jeff Phelps.

I don’t like him. Period. There’s something about him that I can’t put my finger on, but I just have a gut feeling... he’s not a good guy.


I won’t forget Logan because can I just say how much I love him and Lena’s BEST friendship? #FriendshipGoals!

And I couldn’t help but mind a little jealousy from Owen about the friendship shared between the two.

I mean, Logan is like... the perfect guy bestie! A sleepover, opening the door shirtless, a punch or two... yeah, I didn’t mind! But after an... event. Owen begins to understand just how deep Lena and Logan’s friendship runs. And at what lengths Logan would do to protect Lena.

I swear, show of hands who needs someone like Logan in their lives? 🙋🏼‍♀️


Overall, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed Ember. After the first page, I simply couldn’t put it down!

Christi’s writing has a way with pulling you in and never letting you go. Her writing evokes so much emotion, it’s as if you can feel exactly what her characters are feeling.

That’s when you know it’s a good book!

Ember has easily become on of my favorite books, and I am planning many rereads in my near future! This book is filled with everything, and I mean everything you would want to read all in one book!

It contains ALL the feels: Heartbreak. Love. Pain. Loss. Trust. Happiness. Sexy times. Self discovery.

Lena and Owen’s journey, their love story, their relationship is so touching. So beautiful. And a little sassy when it comes to Lena!

I cannot wait to read what happens next for our couple in the second book of the duet, Constant!

Five Dreamy Stars: 💫💫💫💫💫

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